Marathi Essay on २१ व्या शतकातील स्त्री

व्या शतकातील स्त्री
हाती पाळण्याची दोरी
ती जगाते उद्धारी||
आपल्याकडे म्हण आहे. जी स्त्री चूल व मूल म्हणजे आपला संसार सांभाळते तीच जगाचा
उद्धार करते असे पूर्वीच्या काळी लोकांची भावना होती. त्यामुळे स्त्रीला कसलेच
अधिकार नव्हते. पण आज काळ बदलेला आहे. आपण २१ व्या शतकात वावरत आहोत.
भारतीय संस्कृतीमध्ये स्त्रीला आदिशक्तीचे रूप मानले जाते. जे आजच्या स्त्रियांनी
सिद्ध करून दाखवले आहे. महात्मा ज्योतीराव फुले व सावित्रीबाई फुले यांच्या
विद्यमाने स्त्री शिक्षणाचा पाया रचला गेला. त्यांनी पुण्यात मुलींसाठी पहिली शाळा
सुरू केली. त्यावेळच्या कट्टर समाजाला न जुमानता
सावित्रीबाई शाळेत शिकवायला जात असत. पण तेव्हापासून मुलींनी सुद्धाआपल्याला
मिळालेल्या या संधीच सोनं केल व म. फुले व सावित्रीबाई फुले यांचे कार्य खर्या
अर्थाने सफल केले.
२१ व्या शतकात जगातील कानाकोपर्यात स्त्री ही स्वतंत्र विचाराची आहे. आपल्या भारत
सरकारने मोफत शिक्षणाची सोय केल्यामुळे सर्वच मुली शिकत आहेत व पालकांना ही याचे
महत्व पटलेले आहे.
आज काही शहरामध्ये, विकसित भागामध्ये खूप मूली
उच्चशिक्षण घेतात. त्यानंतर मात्र त्या पुरुषांच्या खांद्याला खांदा लावून सर्वच
क्षेत्रात काम करत आहेत. अगदी रिक्षा,ट्रेन चालवण्यापासून ते
विमान चालवण्यापर्यंत, तसेच खगोलीय क्षेत्रातही मोलाची
कामगिरी करण्यापर्यत सर्वच क्षेत्रात स्त्रिया अग्रेसर आहेत. लग्न
झाल्यानंतरसुद्धा आपल कुटुंब सांभाळून आपल कर्तव्य बजावत आहेत. स्त्रियांना तर
सकाळ, दुपार व रात्र या तिन्ही वेळेत काम कराव लागते. ते ही
काम ते करतात. कधी कधी आणीबाणीच्या काळात त्यांना अतिरिक्त काम कराव लागत पण त्या
आपल्या कामात कधीच कामचुकारपणा करत नाहीत व पुढे जात राहतात.
स्त्रियामध्ये उपजतच वात्सल्य, सहनशीलता, हुशारी, काम करण्याची कुवत,
शिक्षणाची वृत्ती व जबाबदारी इ. गुण असतात. म्हणूनच ती कुटुंब व आपल काम सहजपणे
करू शकते.
आजच्या स्त्रीमध्ये व पूर्वीच्या स्त्री मध्ये एकच साम्य आहे. ते म्हणजे कुटुंबाची जबाबदारी. फक्त पद्धत वेगळी आहे. विज्ञान व
तंत्रज्ञान विकसित झाल्यामुळे आजच्या स्त्रियांना खूप सुविधा उपलब्ध आहेत.
त्यामुळे त्यांना घरातील कामे कमी वेळेत आवरता येतात. ती सकाळी लवकर उठून घरातील
कामे करते. नंतर आपल्या कामासाठी बाहेर जाते. संध्याकाळी आल्यानंतर तिला पुन्हा
सर्व कामे करावी लागतात. पण हे सर्व करताना पहिली मुख्य जबाबदारी म्हणजे मुलांचे
संगोपन. त्याचं खाणपिण, शिक्षण,
संस्कार इ. कडेही ती स्वत: जातीने लक्षं घालते. एकत्र कुटुंब
पद्धत असेल तर तिला मुलांची काळजी नसते. पण स्वतंत्र कुटुंब पद्धतीत तिला मुलांची
सतत काळजी वाटते.
स्त्रिया नोकरी करतात असे नाही पण स्त्रीमध्ये एखादी कला असते. काही स्त्रिया आपली
कला फक्त आवड म्हणून जोपासतात तर काही स्त्रियां मात्र संधी मिळाली की आपल्या कलेच
सोन करतात. आपल्या कलेच व्यवसायात रूपांतर
करतात व उद्योजिका बनतात. आपल्या सोबत इतर लोकांनासुद्धा संधी देतात. गावाकडच्या
स्त्रिया आधुनिक पद्धतीतील शेती याकडे वळल्या आहेत. ट्रॅक्टर चालवणे, स्वत: बी बियानांचे, जमिनीचे परीक्षण या प्रकारची कामे
करून शेती व्यवसाय स्वबळावर उत्तम रीतीने करतात. तसेच काही स्त्रिया एकत्र येऊन
बचत गट स्थापन करतात. यामध्ये विविध घरगुती खाद्यपदार्थ वगैरे असे साठवणीचे पदार्थ
करतात किंवा एखाद्या वस्तूचे उत्पादन करतात. या उत्पादनाची विक्री बाजारपेठेत
करतात व मिळालेल्या पैशातून आपला व्यवसाय वाढवतात. अर्थात अशा उद्योजिकाना उत्तेजन
देण्यासाठी खूप सुविधा दिलेल्या आहेत.
आता जगात सगळीकडे आणीबाणीची परिस्थिति
आहे. कोरोंना व्हायरसपुढे अनेक देश हतबल झाले आहेत. खबरदारीचा उपाय म्हणून आपल्या
देशात लॉंकडाउन ची घोषणा केली. काही उद्योगधंदे बंद करण्यात आले तर काही
उद्योगधंदे ऑनलाइन करण्याचा निर्णय घेतला गेला. पण अत्यावश्यक सेवेतील कर्मचार्यांना
मात्र कामावर जावे लागले. यात खरी कसोटी आहे ती महिला कर्मचार्यांची. पोलिस, सैन्य दल, डॉक्टरर्स, आरोग्य
खात्यातील महिला कर्मचारी, सफाई कामगार, महानगर पालिका कर्मचारी, आंगणवाडी सेविका, पत्रकार, अग्निशामक दल इ. सर्व महिलांना कामावर
जाणे भाग आहे. याबरोबर आपली व आपल्या कुटुंबाची सुरक्षा करणे हे ही तिचे कर्तव्य आहे.
प्रसंगी कामासाठी आपल्या कुटुंबापासून लांब राहणे त्यांना भाग पडते. पण त्यात आपले
मनोबल मजबूत ठेवून आपले कर्तव्य चोख बजावतात. तर कधी कधी आपल्या लहानग्यांना मनात
असतानाही जवळ घेऊ शकत नाही.
या स्त्रिया कर्तव्यदक्ष तर आहेतच. पण त्याच बरोबर त्या फार संवेदनशील सुद्धा
आहेत. काही स्त्रियांना त्यांच्या कुटुंबाची उत्तम साथ मिळते. काही पुरूषांना आपल्या पत्नीला मदत करायची
असते पण त्याच्याकडे वेळ नसतो. काही स्त्रियांच्या बाबतीत असे नसते. सर्व कामे
त्यांनाच करावी लागतात. अशा या स्त्रियांना कितीही मोठे पुरस्कार मिळाले पण
त्यांच्या जोडीदाराने दिलेली कौतुकाची दाद लाख मोलाची वाटते. “जिच्या हाती
पाळण्याची दोरी ती जगाते उद्धारी” यापेक्षा “जिच्या हाती कर्तव्याची दोरी ती जगाते
उद्धारी|” असे म्हंटले तर वावगे ठरणार नाही.
या जगभरातील सर्व कर्तबगार, स्वावलंबी रणरागिनींना
माझा मानाचा मुजरा !
Translation in English
Woman of the 21st century
Jichya Hati Palanyachi Dori
ti Jagate Uddari
The hand that rocks the
cradle rules the world
We have such a saying. In the past, people believed that the woman who takes care of our family is the one who saves the world. So the woman had no rights. But times have changed today. We are living in the 21st century.
In our Indian culture, a woman is considered to be a form of Adishakti the (goddess) which is proved by today's women. Mahatma Jyotirao Phule and Savitribai Phule laid the foundation of women's education. He started the first school for girls in Pune. Savitribai used to go to school despite the fanatical society of that time. But since then, the girls have made the most of this opportunity. Mahatma Jyotirao Phule and Savitribai Phule's work was truly successful.
Today, in the 21st century, women are independent thinkers in every corner of the world. The government of India has provided free education to all girls and parents are convinced of its importance.
In some cities today, many girls in developed areas pursue higher education. Since then, however, they have been working equally with men in all fields. Women are at the forefront of everything from rickshaw driving, train driver to pilot, to astronomy. Even after marriage, they are doing their duty to take care of their family. Women have to work in the morning, afternoon, and night shifts. They do that also. Sometimes they have to do extra work during emergencies but they never do any complaint about their job and keep going. Affection, endurance, intelligence, ability to work, the attitude of education and responsibility, etc. are innate in women. That is why she can do her family and her work easily.
There is a similarity between the woman of today and the woman of the past. That is the responsibility of the family. Only the method is different. With the development of science and technology, many facilities are available to today's women. This allows them to complete household chores in less time. She gets up early in the morning and does the housework. Then goes out for her work. When the evening comes, she has to do all the house chores again. But the first major responsibility in doing all this to take care of the children. She pays attention to their food, education, rites, etc. If there is a joint family system, she need not worry about her children so much. But in an independent family system, she constantly cares for the children.
Not all women have jobs, but women have an art. Some women cultivate their art only as a hobby while some women cultivate their art only when given the opportunity. Turn her art into a business and become an entrepreneur. They give opportunities to other people along with them. The women of the village have turned to modern farming. The farming business is doing well on its own by driving tractors, sowing seeds, and testing the soil. Also, some women come together and form self-help groups. This includes making various household food items such as storage items or preserved items. They sell these products in the market and grow their business with the money they get. Of course, a lot of facilities have been provided to encourage such entrepreneurs.
Now there is an emergency situation all over the world. Many countries have succumbed to the Coronavirus. Announced a lockdown in our country as a precautionary measure. Some businesses were shut down and some were decided to go online. But the essential service staff had to go to work. The female staff has to suffer more. Police, Army, Doctors, Women in Health Department, Cleaners, Municipal Corporation Employees, Anganwadi Workers, Journalists, Fire Brigade, etc. All women have to go to work. At the same time, it is her duty to protect herself and her family. Occasionally they are forced to stay away from their family for work. But they do their duty by keeping their morale strong. So sometimes they can't get close to their little ones even they wish to take them closer.
Such women are dutiful. But they are also very sensitive. Some women get great support from their families. Some men want to help their wives but they do not have time. This is not the case with some women. They have to do all the work. No matter how many prizes such women have received, the appreciation shown by their spouse seems to be worth millions. Rather than "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world ", "The hand that rope of duty rules the world." That said, it doesn't matter.
My respect to all such dutiful, self-reliant warriors from all over the world!
Woman of the 21st century
Translation in English
Woman of the 21st century
Jichya Hati Palanyachi Dori
ti Jagate Uddari
The hand that rocks the
cradle rules the world
We have such a saying. In the past, people believed that the woman who takes care of our family is the one who saves the world. So the woman had no rights. But times have changed today. We are living in the 21st century.
In our Indian culture, a woman is considered to be a form of Adishakti the (goddess) which is proved by today's women. Mahatma Jyotirao Phule and Savitribai Phule laid the foundation of women's education. He started the first school for girls in Pune. Savitribai used to go to school despite the fanatical society of that time. But since then, the girls have made the most of this opportunity. Mahatma Jyotirao Phule and Savitribai Phule's work was truly successful.
Today, in the 21st century, women are independent thinkers in every corner of the world. The government of India has provided free education to all girls and parents are convinced of its importance.
In some cities today, many girls in developed areas pursue higher education. Since then, however, they have been working equally with men in all fields. Women are at the forefront of everything from rickshaw driving, train driver to pilot, to astronomy. Even after marriage, they are doing their duty to take care of their family. Women have to work in the morning, afternoon, and night shifts. They do that also. Sometimes they have to do extra work during emergencies but they never do any complaint about their job and keep going. Affection, endurance, intelligence, ability to work, the attitude of education and responsibility, etc. are innate in women. That is why she can do her family and her work easily.
There is a similarity between the woman of today and the woman of the past. That is the responsibility of the family. Only the method is different. With the development of science and technology, many facilities are available to today's women. This allows them to complete household chores in less time. She gets up early in the morning and does the housework. Then goes out for her work. When the evening comes, she has to do all the house chores again. But the first major responsibility in doing all this to take care of the children. She pays attention to their food, education, rites, etc. If there is a joint family system, she need not worry about her children so much. But in an independent family system, she constantly cares for the children.
Not all women have jobs, but women have an art. Some women cultivate their art only as a hobby while some women cultivate their art only when given the opportunity. Turn her art into a business and become an entrepreneur. They give opportunities to other people along with them. The women of the village have turned to modern farming. The farming business is doing well on its own by driving tractors, sowing seeds, and testing the soil. Also, some women come together and form self-help groups. This includes making various household food items such as storage items or preserved items. They sell these products in the market and grow their business with the money they get. Of course, a lot of facilities have been provided to encourage such entrepreneurs.
Now there is an emergency situation all over the world. Many countries have succumbed to the Coronavirus. Announced a lockdown in our country as a precautionary measure. Some businesses were shut down and some were decided to go online. But the essential service staff had to go to work. The female staff has to suffer more. Police, Army, Doctors, Women in Health Department, Cleaners, Municipal Corporation Employees, Anganwadi Workers, Journalists, Fire Brigade, etc. All women have to go to work. At the same time, it is her duty to protect herself and her family. Occasionally they are forced to stay away from their family for work. But they do their duty by keeping their morale strong. So sometimes they can't get close to their little ones even they wish to take them closer.
Such women are dutiful. But they are also very sensitive. Some women get great support from their families. Some men want to help their wives but they do not have time. This is not the case with some women. They have to do all the work. No matter how many prizes such women have received, the appreciation shown by their spouse seems to be worth millions. Rather than "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world ", "The hand that rope of duty rules the world." That said, it doesn't matter.
My respect to all such dutiful, self-reliant warriors from all over the world!
Woman of the 21st century
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