वटपोर्णिमा २०२०
संस्कृतीत स्त्रियांच्या अतिशय जिव्हाळ्याचा सण म्हणजे ‘वटपोर्णिमा’. मराठी महिन्यातील जेष्ठ महिन्यात
येणार्या पोर्णिमेला ‘वटपोर्णिमा’ म्हणतात. भारताच्या सर्व प्रांतात
वटपोर्णिमा वेगवेगळ्या पद्धतीने साजरी केली जाते. पण महाराष्ट्रातील स्त्रिया हा
सण अगदी विशेष पद्धतीने साजरी करतात. या पूजेत वटवृक्षाचे फार महत्व आहे.
सावित्री आख्यान या पौराणिक कथेनुसार सावित्रीने आपल्या बुद्धी
चातुर्याने यमाला हरवून त्याच्याकडून आपल्या पतीचे प्राण परत मिळवले व
तेव्हापासून वट-पोर्णिमा साजरी केली जाते. ती कथा अशी की सावित्री ही अतिशय
सर्वगुण संपन्न मुलगी होती. पण तिचा विवाह होत नव्हता. त्यामुळे तिच्या वडिलांना
खूप चिंता वाटत होती. तिच्या वडिलांनी तिला स्वत: वर शोधण्यास पाठवले. तिथे तिला
सत्यवान भेटला. परंतु त्याच्या पत्रिकेत आयुष्य फार कमी आहे असे लिहिलेले होते.
सावित्रीने सत्यवानाशी विवाह केला. एकदा ते दोघे वडा -च्या झाडाखाली गप्पा मारत बसले
असता अचानक सत्यवान मूर्च्छा येऊन पडला. यमदूत त्याचे प्राण
नेण्या –साठी आला. पण सावित्रीने आपल्या पतीचे प्राण नेण्यास नकार दिला. खूप
प्रयत्न करून सुद्धा सावित्री आपल्या पतीचे प्राण देत नाही हे पाहून यमदूत परत
गेले. त्यावेळी यमराज स्वत: सत्यवानाचे प्राण नेण्यासाठी आले. त्यांनी सावित्रीला
समजावले व ते प्राण घेऊन निघाले असता सावित्री त्यांच्या मागे जाऊ लागली. सावित्री
ऐकत नाही हे पाहून त्यांनी तिला वर मागायला संगितले. त्यावेळी सावित्रीने प्रथम
तिच्या सासर्यांची गेलेली दृष्टी परत येऊ दे असा वर मागितला. यमराजांनी तो पूर्ण
केला. त्यानंतर सावित्रीने तिच्या सासर्यांचे गेलेले राज्य परत मिळू दे असा वर
मागितला. तो ही वर पूर्ण केला व नंतर तिला तिसरा वर मागायला संगितले. त्यावेळी
सावित्रीने मला मुलगा व्हावा असा वर मागितला व यमराजांनी तो मान्य केला. आता हा वर
माझ्या पतीशिवाय कसा पूर्ण होईल? असा प्रश्न तिने केला. त्यावेळी
मात्र यमराजांना नाइलाजाने सत्यवानाचे प्राण परत करावे लागले. अशा प्रकारे
सावित्रीने आपल्या बुद्धीचातुर्याने आपल्या पतीचे प्राण परत मिळवले. तेव्हापासून
वटपोर्णिमा हा सण विवाहित स्त्रिया साजरा
करतात व वडाच्या झाडाची पूजा करतात.
वट पोर्णिमा २०२०, या वर्षी
वटपोर्णिमा ५ जून रोजी आली व ५ जून हा दिवस ‘जागतिक पर्यावरण
दिन’ म्हणून साजरा केला जातो. त्यामुळे यावर्षी ‘वटपोर्णिमा’ व ‘पर्यावरण’ असा सुंदर योग जुळून आला. स्त्रियांनाही पर्यावरणाच महत्व पटावं यासाठी
कदाचित हा योग जुळून आला असावा. कारण काही मोठ्या शहरांमध्ये वडाच झाड नसतं
त्यावेळी वडाच्या फांदया तोडल्या जातात व त्याची घरीच पूजा करतात. या झाडामध्ये
जास्तीत जास्त ऑक्सिजन देण्याची क्षमता आहे. या झाडाच्या सान्नि-ध्यात
राहिल्यामुळे स्त्रियांच आरोग्य चांगलं राहात. घरातील स्त्री जर निरोगी असेल तर
तिच्या कुटुंबाच आरोग्य चांगलं राहत. म्हणून स्त्रियांना वडाच्या झाडाखाली जाऊन
पूजा करण जास्त हितावह ठरेल. कदाचित निसर्गाला हाच संदेश सर्व स्त्रियांना द्यावासा
वाटत असावा. परंतु २०२० हे वर्ष महामारीचे आहे. त्यामुळे पूजेचे साहित्यही मिळाले नाही.
तसेच या वर्षी जास्त वडाच्या फांद्याही तोडल्या गेल्या नाहीत. सर्व स्त्रियांनी मिळालेल्या
साहित्यात समाधान मानून आनंदाने पूजा केली. काही स्त्रियांनी घरातील कुंडीतील झाड वडाचे झाड मानून पूजा केली तर काहींनी वडाच्या झाडाखाली
पूजा केली. अशाप्रकारे या वर्षी सुद्धा स्वत:ला सुरक्षित ठेवून स्त्रियांनी वटपोर्णिमा
उत्साहाने साजरी केली.
मैत्रिणींनो, या वर्षी जशी तुम्ही वडाचे झाड न तोडता
पूजा केली तशीच दरवर्षी करा. वडाचे झाड नसेल तर एखाद झाड तुमच्या घराजवळ एखाद्या मोकळ्या
जागेत लावा व त्याची पूजा करा. या लहान रोपट्याचा जसा वटवृक्ष होईल तसेच तुमच्या पतीचे
आयुष्य वाढू दे अशी कामना करा तेव्हाच तुम्ही वडाच्या झाडाची केलेली पूजा खर्या अर्थाने सफल होईल.
वटपोर्णिमा २०२०
English Traslation
Vatpornima 2020
Vatpornima is a very intimate festival of women in Hindu culture. The full moon coming in the Jyeshtha, the Marathi month is called 'Vatpornima'. Vatpurnima is celebrated in different ways in all the states of India. But women in Maharashtra celebrate this festival in a very special way. The banyan tree is very important in this worship.
According to the legend of Savitri, Savitri defeated Yama (the God of death) with her intellect and got her husband's life back from him and since then Vat-Purnima has been celebrated. The story is that Savitri was a very rich girl. But she was not getting married. So her father was very worried. Her father sent her to find her life partner. There she met Satyawan. But it was written in his journal that life is very short. Savitri married Satyavana. Once, while they were chatting under the banyan tree, Satyawan fainted. Yamadoot (the messenger of Yama) came to take his life. But Savitri refused to take her husband's life. Seeing that Savitri was not giving up her husband's life despite her best efforts, Yamadoot (the messenger of Yama) returned. At that time, Yamaraj himself came to take the life of Satyavan. He explained to Savitri and as he was leaving, Savitri started following him. Seeing that Savitri was not listening, he promised her to fulfill her three wishes instead of Satyavan's life. At that time, Savitri first asked him to get back her father-in-law eyes. Yamaraj instantly fulfilled it. After that, Savitri asked him to give back the father-in-law kingdom which he had lost in the war. He also fulfills this wish and then asked her for a third wish. At that time Savitri asked him to have a son from Satyavan and Yamaraj agreed. Now how could this be complete without my husband? She asked. At that time, however, Yamaraj had to return the life of Satyavana. Thus Savitri, with her intellect, regained her husband's life. Since then Vatpornima has been celebrated by married women and worship the banyan tree.
Vatpurnima 2020, this year Vatpurnima came on 5th June and 5th June is celebrated as 'World Environment Day'. So coincidently this year 'Vatpornima' and 'Environment Day' came together. This may have been adapted for women to understand the importance of the environment. Because in some big cities when there is no banyan tree, the branches of the banyan tree are cut off and worshiped at home. This plant has the ability to provide maximum oxygen. Staying close to this tree will keep women in good health. If a housewife is healthy, her family will be in good health. Therefore, it would be more desirable for women to worship under the banyan tree. May be nature wants to give the same message to all women. But 2020 is a year of epidemics. Therefore, the worship material was not received. Also, not many branches have been cut this year. All the women worshiped with joy, satisfied with the things they received. Some women worshiped the potted plant or any other tree nearby considering it as a banyan tree, while others worshiped under the banyan tree. Thus, this year too, the women celebrated Vatpornima with enthusiasm, keeping themselves safe.
Friends, like this year, you celebrate Vatpornima every year without cutting down the banyan tree. If there is no banyan tree, plant a tree in an open space near your house and worship it. Only when you wish that this small plant will become a banyan tree and let your husband's life be extended, then only the worship of the banyan tree will be successful in the true sense.
Vatpornima 2020
English Traslation
Vatpornima 2020
Vatpornima is a very intimate festival of women in Hindu culture. The full moon coming in the Jyeshtha, the Marathi month is called 'Vatpornima'. Vatpurnima is celebrated in different ways in all the states of India. But women in Maharashtra celebrate this festival in a very special way. The banyan tree is very important in this worship.
According to the legend of Savitri, Savitri defeated Yama (the God of death) with her intellect and got her husband's life back from him and since then Vat-Purnima has been celebrated. The story is that Savitri was a very rich girl. But she was not getting married. So her father was very worried. Her father sent her to find her life partner. There she met Satyawan. But it was written in his journal that life is very short. Savitri married Satyavana. Once, while they were chatting under the banyan tree, Satyawan fainted. Yamadoot (the messenger of Yama) came to take his life. But Savitri refused to take her husband's life. Seeing that Savitri was not giving up her husband's life despite her best efforts, Yamadoot (the messenger of Yama) returned. At that time, Yamaraj himself came to take the life of Satyavan. He explained to Savitri and as he was leaving, Savitri started following him. Seeing that Savitri was not listening, he promised her to fulfill her three wishes instead of Satyavan's life. At that time, Savitri first asked him to get back her father-in-law eyes. Yamaraj instantly fulfilled it. After that, Savitri asked him to give back the father-in-law kingdom which he had lost in the war. He also fulfills this wish and then asked her for a third wish. At that time Savitri asked him to have a son from Satyavan and Yamaraj agreed. Now how could this be complete without my husband? She asked. At that time, however, Yamaraj had to return the life of Satyavana. Thus Savitri, with her intellect, regained her husband's life. Since then Vatpornima has been celebrated by married women and worship the banyan tree.
Vatpurnima 2020, this year Vatpurnima came on 5th June and 5th June is celebrated as 'World Environment Day'. So coincidently this year 'Vatpornima' and 'Environment Day' came together. This may have been adapted for women to understand the importance of the environment. Because in some big cities when there is no banyan tree, the branches of the banyan tree are cut off and worshiped at home. This plant has the ability to provide maximum oxygen. Staying close to this tree will keep women in good health. If a housewife is healthy, her family will be in good health. Therefore, it would be more desirable for women to worship under the banyan tree. May be nature wants to give the same message to all women. But 2020 is a year of epidemics. Therefore, the worship material was not received. Also, not many branches have been cut this year. All the women worshiped with joy, satisfied with the things they received. Some women worshiped the potted plant or any other tree nearby considering it as a banyan tree, while others worshiped under the banyan tree. Thus, this year too, the women celebrated Vatpornima with enthusiasm, keeping themselves safe.
Friends, like this year, you celebrate Vatpornima every year without cutting down the banyan tree. If there is no banyan tree, plant a tree in an open space near your house and worship it. Only when you wish that this small plant will become a banyan tree and let your husband's life be extended, then only the worship of the banyan tree will be successful in the true sense.
Vatpornima 2020
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