पाहिलेली जत्रा
पाहिलेली जत्रा’
[A Fare I seen]
म्हटली की लहान मुलांचा आनंद. जत्रेत मिळणारी खेळणी, खाऊ, खेळ, इ. चे त्यांना फार आकर्षण असते. अशीच एक जत्रा
मीही अनुभवली आहे.
एकदा माझ्या आईबरोबर माझ्या मावशीच्या गावी गेले होते. त्यांची ग्रामदेवता महालक्ष्मी
आहे. या ग्रामदेवतेची दरवर्षी एप्रिल महिन्यातील पोर्णिमेला जत्रा असते. ती पाच दिवस
आम्ही त्याच दरम्यान मावशीकडे गेलो होतो. त्यामुळे आम्हाला जत्रेला जाण्याचा
योग आला व ती जत्रा अनुभवायला मिळाली.
दुसर्या दिवशी सकाळी उठलो. सर्व कामे आटपून आम्ही न्याहारी केली व तयारी करून जत्रेला
गेलो. माझ्या मावशीची मुलगी व मुलगा सोबत होते. त्यामुळे आम्हा मुलांचा जत्रेला जाण्याचा
उत्साह खूपच वाढला होता. आम्ही जत्रेच्या ठिकाणी गेलो. गावातील सरपंच व तरुण मुलांनी
जत्रेची अगदी चोख व्यवस्था केली होती. जत्रा व्यवस्थित कशी पार पडेल यासाठी खूप मेहनत
घेतली होती. तसेच देवळात कुठेही गर्दी होऊ नये व सर्वांना दर्शन मिळावे याकडे विशेष
लक्ष दिले होते.
खूप दुकाने सजलेली होती. गर्दी तर होतीच पण पुरेश्या अंतराने दुकानांची व्यवस्था केली
होती. तसेच आकाशपाळणे, गोलचक्र व इतर खेळ होते. खाऊची दुकाने सुद्धा छान सजलेली होती. कपडे, चपला, भांडी, खेळणी यांची दुकाने होती. आम्ही काही नवीन कपडे, खेळणी खरेदी केली तसेच खूप खाऊ घेतला. आम्ही आकाश पाळण्यात बसलो व इतर खेळ
ही खेळलो. तिथे कडक बुंडीचे लाडू व लाहया देवीचा प्रसाद म्हणून लोक आवर्जून विकत घेतात.
घरगुती उपहारगृहे होती. तिथे आम्ही जेवलो. जत्रेत खूप फिरलो. भरपूर मजा केली. संध्याकाळ
होत आली होती. दिव्यांच्या रोषणाईने सर्व परिसर झगमगून होता. आम्ही घरी जायला निघालो.
पण जत्रेतून पाय निघत नव्हता.
मावशीच्या गावी गेल्याचे सार्थक वाटले. कारण मला ही जत्रा अनपेक्षितपणे अनुभवायला मिळाली
याच खूप आनंद झाला. ‘मी पाहिलेली जत्रा’ माझ्यासाठी अविस्मरणीय ठरली.

मी पाहिलेली जत्रा
I once went to my aunt's village with my mother. Her village deity is Mahalakshmi. This village deity has a fair on the full moon day of April every year. It lasts for five days. We went to my aunt in the meantime. So we decided to go to the fair and experience that fair.
We woke up the next morning. After finishing all the work, we had breakfast and prepared and went to the fair. My cousin's daughter and son were with me. So we had a lot of enthusiasm to go to the children's fair. We went to the fairgrounds. The Sarpanch of the village and the youth of the village had arranged the fair very well. It took a lot of effort to figure out how to get the fair going. Also, special care was taken to ensure that there was no crowd in the temple and that everyone could get darshan(everyone could go into the sanctum and pray the goddess).
We also visited the Goddess. The temple of the goddess is very nice. They were decorated with beautiful flowers. It was very nicely lit. Inside, the barn was decorated with fragrant flowers. The goddess was also adorned with the beautiful sari and various ornaments. The form of the goddess looked very beautiful. Lots of lights were arranged. The area outside the temple is also very grand. There are many old lighthouses in the area. They were nicely decorated. In the evening, the light of these lamps illuminates the area. We greeted the Goddess and came out and went for a walk in the fair. The whole area was crowded with people. All people from the village and other villages also attended the fair.
There were many shops in the fair. It was crowded but the shops were arranged at a sufficient distance. There were also skydiving, roundabouts, and other games. The food stalls were also nicely decorated. There were shops selling clothes, slippers, utensils, and toys. We bought some new clothes, toys and ate a lot. We sat in the sky watching and played other games as well. There, The people buy of Bundi laddoos (sweet) and rice flakes (Lahya in the Marathi language) as a Prasad of the goddess. There were domestic restaurants. We ate there. I went around the fair a lot. I had a lot of fun. It was getting late. The whole area was ablaze with lights. We left to go home. But the feet did not leave the fair.
I felt it was worthwhile to go to my aunt's village. Because I was very happy to experience this fair unexpectedly. The ‘Fair I Saw’ was unforgettable for me.
मी पाहिलेली जत्रा
“मी पाहिलेली जत्रा’
[A Fare I seen]
English Translation
The fair is the joy of the little ones. Toys, food, games, etc. available at tGhe fair. They are very attractive. I have experienced a similar fair.English Translation
“Mi pahileli jatra’
[A Fare I seen]
I once went to my aunt's village with my mother. Her village deity is Mahalakshmi. This village deity has a fair on the full moon day of April every year. It lasts for five days. We went to my aunt in the meantime. So we decided to go to the fair and experience that fair.
We woke up the next morning. After finishing all the work, we had breakfast and prepared and went to the fair. My cousin's daughter and son were with me. So we had a lot of enthusiasm to go to the children's fair. We went to the fairgrounds. The Sarpanch of the village and the youth of the village had arranged the fair very well. It took a lot of effort to figure out how to get the fair going. Also, special care was taken to ensure that there was no crowd in the temple and that everyone could get darshan(everyone could go into the sanctum and pray the goddess).
We also visited the Goddess. The temple of the goddess is very nice. They were decorated with beautiful flowers. It was very nicely lit. Inside, the barn was decorated with fragrant flowers. The goddess was also adorned with the beautiful sari and various ornaments. The form of the goddess looked very beautiful. Lots of lights were arranged. The area outside the temple is also very grand. There are many old lighthouses in the area. They were nicely decorated. In the evening, the light of these lamps illuminates the area. We greeted the Goddess and came out and went for a walk in the fair. The whole area was crowded with people. All people from the village and other villages also attended the fair.
There were many shops in the fair. It was crowded but the shops were arranged at a sufficient distance. There were also skydiving, roundabouts, and other games. The food stalls were also nicely decorated. There were shops selling clothes, slippers, utensils, and toys. We bought some new clothes, toys and ate a lot. We sat in the sky watching and played other games as well. There, The people buy of Bundi laddoos (sweet) and rice flakes (Lahya in the Marathi language) as a Prasad of the goddess. There were domestic restaurants. We ate there. I went around the fair a lot. I had a lot of fun. It was getting late. The whole area was ablaze with lights. We left to go home. But the feet did not leave the fair.
I felt it was worthwhile to go to my aunt's village. Because I was very happy to experience this fair unexpectedly. The ‘Fair I Saw’ was unforgettable for me.
मी पाहिलेली जत्रा
“मी पाहिलेली जत्रा’
[A Fare I seen]
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